Open rhinoplasty is a type of plastic surgery to correct the shape of the nose or eliminate its congenital and acquired deformities. At the same time, all manipulations are performed through a W incision, sometimes only from the inside (closed) in a narrow place in the middle part of the nose – along the columella.
If you think that the shape of your nose is far from ideal, with the help of plastic surgery you can give it a more aesthetic look, making your face proportional and attractive and harmonious. Reducing the size of the nose, correcting its tip, getting rid of a hump or wide wings, eliminating nasal breathing disorders due to a curved nasal septum – all these problems can be solved.
The operation lasts from 30 minutes to 2 hours.
Most patients turn to us if they feel dissatisfied with the appearance of their nose. These can be:
Operative treatment is contraindicated if the patient has not reached the age of 18, but the operation can be performed for urgent indications: as a result of an injury, difficulty in nasal breathing, or with the permission of the parents to perform the operation.
In addition, contraindications are:
In the presence of any contraindication, the possibility of carrying out the procedure should be discussed with the surgeon – in some patients, we are talking about relative contraindications, and the operation can only be postponed for a while.
In the first week, it is important to avoid sudden movements, the fixator can be abandoned 10-14 days after the operation. During the first 2-4 weeks, it is recommended to sleep only on your back, to exclude physical activity, visits to the sauna and solarium. The first results of the operation become noticeable a month after the operation, but the nose takes its final shape after 6-24 months.
If you want to get a consultation or make an appointment with a doctor, send a request for feedback and we will call you in the near future.